- Balance: Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight in a composition. There are three types of balance: symmetrical (equal on both sides), asymmetrical (unequal but still balanced), and radial (radiating from a central point).
- Contrast: Contrast involves the juxtaposition of different elements to create visual interest and emphasize certain aspects. This can include contrasts in color, value, size, and more.
- Emphasis: Emphasis is the principle of making certain elements stand out or draw attention. It can be achieved through contrast, color, size, placement, or other techniques.
- Unity: Unity is the coherence and completeness of a work of art. It involves the harmonious integration of all elements and principles to create a sense of oneness.
- Proportion: Proportion refers to the size relationships between different parts of a work. Artists use proportion to create a sense of balance and harmony in their compositions.
- Rhythm: Rhythm is the repetition or alternation of elements to create a sense of movement or pattern. It can be regular, flowing, or progressive.
- Pattern: Pattern involves the repetition of visual elements to create a decorative or organized effect. It can be simple or complex and can occur in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art.
- Movement: Movement is the suggestion of motion in a work of art. Artists use various techniques, such as implied lines or the arrangement of elements, to create a sense of movement.
- Harmony: Harmony is the combination of elements to create a visually pleasing whole. It involves a careful arrangement of elements to achieve a sense of completeness and balance.
- Variety: Variety involves using different elements in a composition to create visual interest and avoid monotony. It adds diversity and excitement to a work of art.